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How to install software crack. Do you want to use a cracked version of a program? It's really easy as long as you know the basics! In this tutorial I'll explain how to install software crack and use it on Windows 10. The first step is to find a cracked version of the program that you want. The best way is through Google searches, but there are also plenty of websites dedicated to providing cracks for people with different operating systems and devices, so do some research if necessary. Once you've found it, download it and save it on your desktop (or anywhere else). Do not try running it; we will need an archive extractor for that later. In this instance, we're using Windows 10, so you should download "WinRAR" from the Windows Store. Once you've got the program downloaded and installed, open it and create a new archive. The name of the archive won't be super important, but make sure you use a unique name so it can be identified later. In this example I'm going to call mine "SoftwareCrack". In WinRAR, select open from the File menu and then select "Open Archive..." from the list that opens up. In this window just add a name for your file and pick an icon for it. In this case I've picked a simple icon consisting of a wrench, but you can add whatever icon you want. In the next window, select the files you want to include in your archive by just scrolling through the list and selecting the ones that you want. After that, click "OK" to save your file and close WinRAR. After closing WinRAR go to Programs and Features from Start > search box > type Windows updates and select it. Then click on "Check for Updates". Once it's done downloading, install it. After it's installed open up an elevated command prompt from start > search box > type cmd and select it from the list of results. In the elevated command prompt run the following commands one after the other: net user username /add net localgroup administrators username /add net localgroup everything everything /add exit _____ Next, restart your computer and log back in. Then open up regedit.exe by typing regedit at start > search box > type regedit and select it from the list of results. We're now going to edit some registry settings so that your software crack can work without any problems. In the left pane, use the registry editor: to navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall and then in right pane select SOFTWARE_DRV_NAME edit it. Then in right pane change Path value in Value data to /q _____ You can then close regedit.exe and start your software crack. _____ Congratulations, you've just installed your cracked software! _____ If you think this tutorial helped you, please consider giving me a reward through my Patreon! For more how to guides, visit our . cfa1e77820